Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park

Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:7 miles south of Crescent City on US 101.
Facilities:Campground with family, hike/bike, and 8 @di campsites, restrooms (é), picnic areas, trails, exhibits.
Activities:Camping, hiking, mountain biking.
Special Features:Established in 1929, Park combines spectacular Pacific coastline withdense stands of old-growth redwoods. A half-mile of sandy beach provides excellent tidepoolviewing at low tide but is not safe for swimming. The bulk of the rocky sea coast isgenerally inaccessible except by Damnation and Footsteps Rock trails. Together,Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, Jedediah Smith Redwoods StatePark, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, and Redwood National Park (seeseparate entries) make up 45 percent of all the old-growth redwoodforest remaining in California.
Address:c/o North Coast Redwoods District Office
PO Box 2006
Eureka, CA 95502

Size: 31,168 acres.

See other parks in California.