Fontana spaces

spac·es of ir·i·do·cor·ne·al an·gle

[TA] irregularly shaped endothelium-lined spaces within the trabecular reticulum, through which the aqueous filters to reach the sinus venosus sclerae. Synonym(s): spatia anguli iridocornealis [TA], ciliary canals, Fontana spaces

Fontana spaces

(fon-tan′ă) [Felice Fontana, Italian scientist, 1730–1805] The spaces between the processes of the ligamentum pectinatum of the iris. These convey the aqueous humor.


Felice, Italian physiologist, 1730-1805. Fontana canal - the vascular structure encircling the anterior chamber of the eye and through which the aqueous is returned to the blood circulation. Synonym(s): sinus venosus scleraeFontana spaces - irregularly shaped endothelium-lined spaces within the trabecular reticulum, through which the aqueous filters to reach the sinus venosus sclerae. Synonym(s): spaces of iridocorneal angle