Fontan procedure

Fontan procedure

 [faw-tah´] functional correction of a tricuspid atresia by anastomosis of, or insertion of a nonvalved prosthesis between, the right atrium and the pulmonary artery with closure of the interatrial communication.

Fon·tan pro·ce·dure

(fon-tān'), placement of a conduit (usually valved) from the right atrium to the main pulmonary artery as a bypass to a hypoplastic right ventricle, as in tricuspid atresia. Synonym(s): Fontan operation

Fontan procedure

A surgical procedure for toddlers (children aged 3 to 5), who have hypoplastic left-heart syndrome, which creates a cavopulmonary shunt with a lateral tunnel, deviating blood from the inferior vena cava to the pulmonary artery, bypassing the right ventricle.


François, French thoracic surgeon, 1929–. Fontan operation - Synonym(s): Fontan procedureFontan procedure - placement of a conduit (usually valved) from the right atrium to the main pulmonary artery as a bypass to a hypoplastic right ventricle, as in tricuspid atresia. Synonym(s): Fontan operation