Acronym | Definition |
EGN➣États Généraux de la Naissance (French: States General of Birth) |
EGN➣European Games Network |
EGN➣Eesti Gei Noored (Estonian: Estonian Gay Youth) |
EGN➣European Games Network (Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association trade show; London, UK) |
EGN➣Entreprise Générale du Nautisme (French: General Contractor for the Marine; Switzerland) |
EGN➣EuroGeoNames (EU project) |
EGN➣Ehime Global Network (Japan) |
EGN➣Enhanced Gaseous Nitrogen |
EGN➣Early General News (front newspaper section) |
EGN➣Einstein-Gymnasium Neuenhagen (Germany) |
EGN➣External Gateway Network (WorldCom) |
EGN➣East Gate News |
EGN➣ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Genomics Network (UK) |
EGN➣Experimental Galactose Neuropathy |