

 [e″go-dis-ton´ik] denoting aspects of a person's thoughts, impulses, attitudes, and behavior that are felt to be repugnant, distressing, unacceptable, or inconsistent with the rest of the personality. See also ego-syntonic.


(ē'gō-dis-ton'ik), Repugnant to or at variance with the aims of the ego and related psychological needs of the person (for example, an obsessive thought or compulsive behavior); the opposite of ego-syntonic. Synonym(s): ego-alien [ego + G. dys, bad, + tonos, tension]


(ē'gō-dis-ton'ik) Repugnant to or at variance with the aims of the ego and related psychological needs of the individual (e.g., an obsessive thought or compulsive behavior); the opposite of ego-syntonic[ego + G. dys, bad, + tonos, tension]