Egorov, Aleksei

Egorov, Aleksei Egorovich


Born 1776; died Sept. 10 (22), 1851, in St. Petersburg. Russian painter and graphic artist.

Egorov, a Kalmyk by birth, studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts under I. A. Akimov and G. I. Ugriumov from 1782 to 1797. He studied in Rome from 1803 to 1806 on a grant from the academy. Egorov, a classicist, painted pictures primarily on religious and mythological themes; he was also a portraitist. He took part in the decoration of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. He was a master draftsman; his work is distinguished by its lyricism and graphic elegance. From 1798 to 1803 and from 1807 to 1840 he was an instructor at the Academy of Arts, becoming a professor there in 1812. He was eventually dismissed from the academy by order of Nicholas I. Egorov’s pupils included F. A. Bruni and K. P. Briullov. His works include Portrait of V. P. Sukhanov (1813) and Susanna (1813) in the Tret’iakov Gallery, as well as The Torturing of the Savior (1814) and Portrait of A. R. Tomilov (1831) in the Russian Museum in Leningrad.


Mroz, E. A. E. Egorov. Moscow-Leningrad, 1947.