Egorov, Boris Grigorevich

Egorov, Boris Grigor’evich


Born Aug. 7(19), 1892, in Moscow; died there Feb. 15, 1972. Soviet neurosurgeon. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1953), Honored Scientists of the RSFSR (1958). Member of the CPSU from 1952.

Egorov graduated from the medical department of Moscow University in 1915. He worked under the guidance of A. V. Martynov, P. A. Gertsen, and N. N. Burdenko. From 1947 to 1964 he was director of the N. N. Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. His principal works were devoted to the anatomicophysiological foundation and elaboration of neurosurgical operations for tumors and traumatic lesions and diseases of vessels of the nervous system; the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the brain and traumas of the nervous system, anesthesia, and plastic surgery of the cerebral dura mater. He proposed a number of new operations for the removal of brain tumors and for neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. A neurosurgical school grew up around Egorov. He was a member of the International Society of Surgeons, the Swedish Medical Society, and the US Society of Neurosurgeons, an honorary member of the societies of neurosurgeons of the Polish People’s Republic and the German Democratic Republic, and of all-Union societies of surgeons and neurosurgeons. He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, three other orders, and various medals.


“B. G. Egorov (k 70-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).”Voprosy neirokhirurgii, 1962, no. 4. E. K. PONOMAR