Acronym | Definition |
FOD➣Foreign Object Damage |
FOD➣Foreign Object Debris |
FOD➣Funny or Die |
FOD➣Forge of Darkness (Steven Erikson book) |
FOD➣Federale Overheidsdienst (Belgium) |
FOD➣Field Operations Division (US DoD) |
FOD➣Foreign Object Damage (US Air Force) |
FOD➣Foreign Object Debris (US Air Force) |
FOD➣Fiber Optic Device |
FOD➣Formation Ouverte à Distance (French: Opened Distance Education) |
FOD➣Features on Demand (software) |
FOD➣Field Office Director (various organizations) |
FOD➣Flight Operations Directorate (US NASA) |
FOD➣Flexible Optical Disk |
FOD➣Free on Demand |
FOD➣Free Online Dictionary |
FOD➣Future Organ Donor |
FOD➣Field of Dreams |
FOD➣Free Online Dating |
FOD➣Fox on Demand (television) |
FOD➣Fax on Demand |
FOD➣Faces of Death (gaming clan; movie; band) |
FOD➣Finger of Death (fantasy gaming) |
FOD➣Finding of Death (military casualty code) |
FOD➣Fear of Death |
FOD➣Furniture on Demand |
FOD➣Female Orgasmic Disorder |
FOD➣Friend of Dorothy |
FOD➣Field Operations Directorate (UK) |
FOD➣Fatty Oxidation Disorder |
FOD➣Foreign Object Detection |
FOD➣Films on Demand (streaming video) |
FOD➣Flag of Democracy (band) |
FOD➣Favorites on Demand (digital entertainment) |
FOD➣Fly Or Die (gaming clan) |
FOD➣Fort Dodge, IA, USA - Fort Dodge Regional Airport (Airport Code) |
FOD➣Full Organizational Designation |
FOD➣Field Officer of the Day |
FOD➣Facilities Operations and Development (Columbus, Ohio, USA) |
FOD➣Fellowship of Dragons |
FOD➣Freight on Delivery |
FOD➣Front of Dash (automotive manufacturing) |
FOD➣Friends of Dave |
FOD➣Financial Operations Department (PBGC) |
FOD➣Fell Over Dead |
FOD➣Fixed Operations Director |
FOD➣Forgiveness of Debt |
FOD➣Fuel Over Destination |
FOD➣Freak Off and Die (polite form; Green Day song) |
FOD➣Forces of Diversion (video gaming) |
FOD➣Flowers of Disgust (band) |
FOD➣Friend of Deborah Lipstadt |
FOD➣Field of Drawing (engineering drawings) |
FOD➣Face of Destruction (gaming clan) |
FOD➣Figure Of Demerit |
FOD➣Follow On Destroyer |
FOD➣Facilitator on Duty |
FOD➣Failover Device (smart network card which can bypass the traffic if the server failed) |
FOD➣Freight on Dock (logistics) |
FOD➣Function Operational Design |
FOD➣Frequency-Overlapped Duplex |
FOD➣Friends of Development |
FOD➣Fountain of Death |
FOD➣Forehead of Doom |
FOD➣Flowers of Discipline (band) |