Chamizal Festival

Chamizal Festival

Early OctoberThe Chamizal Festival, formerly known as the Border Folk Festival, has been held at the Chamizal National Memorial in El Paso, Texas, since 1973. It is celebrated in early October and features Latino food, music, and dance as well as traditional crafts and children's activities and entertainment.
The location of the festival is significant, for it was here that Mexican claims to El Chamizal, a wedge of land on the Texas side, were first filed in 1895. The dispute, which involved relocating the Rio Grande's channel, was finally resolved in 1963, an event that is commemorated by the Chamizal National Memorial.
Chamizal National Memorial
National Park Service
800 S. San Marcial
El Paso, TX 79905
915-532-7273; fax: 915-532-7240
LatinoLife-1995, p. 39