Aslan, Anna

Aslan, Anna


Born Jan. 1, 1897. Rumanian scientist and gerontologist. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Rumanian Socialist Republic (1945). Member of the Rumanian Communist Party since 1963.

Aslan graduated from the medical faculty of the University of Bucharest in 1922. From 1945 to 1948 she was professor at the clinic for Internal Diseases of the University of Timişoara and from 1948 to 1952, director of the Physiology Clinic of the Professor Doctor C. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology in Bucharest. In 1952 she became director of the Institute of Geriatrics in Bucharest. A student and closest colleague of the academician C. Parhon, Asian has done work on problems of aging and prevention of diseases of old age. She proposed the compound Gerovital H3 for the prophylaxis of premature aging. She has been chairman of the Society of Gerontologists of the Rumanian Socialist Republic since 1959.


Novocaina factor eutrofic si intineritor in tratamentul profilactic si curativ al bǎtrǐnettii. Bucharest, 1955. (With C. I. Parhon.)