

单词 cold front

cold front

cold front

n. The leading portion of a cold atmospheric air mass moving against and eventually replacing a warm air mass.

cold front

n 1. (Physical Geography) the boundary line between a warm air mass and the cold air pushing it from beneath and behind as it moves 2. (Physical Geography) the line on the earth's surface where the cold front meets it

cold′ front`

n. the zone separating two air masses, of which the cooler, denser mass is advancing and replacing the warmer. [1920]

cold front

(kōld) The forward edge of an advancing mass of cold air that pushes under a mass of warm air. A cold front is often accompanied by heavy showers or thunderstorms. See more at front.

cold front

The boundary between a mass of cold air moving into an area of warm air. The warm air is forced to rise and cumulus clouds are formed.
Noun1.cold front - the front of an advancing mass of colder aircold front - the front of an advancing mass of colder airpolar frontfront - (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air massessquall line - a cold front along which squalls or thunderstorms are likely
холодный фронт

cold front

cold front

Meteorol1. the boundary line between a warm air mass and the cold air pushing it from beneath and behind as it moves 2. the line on the earth's surface where the cold front meets it

cold front

[′kōld ‚frənt] (meteorology) Any nonoccluded front, or portion thereof, that moves so that the colder air replaces the warmer air; the leading edge of a relatively cold air mass.

cold front

cold frontA front along which cold air replaces warm air by undercutting it. A cold front is the advancing or leading edge of a steep cold wedge of air. A cold front is characterized by cumulus (Cu) and cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds with frequent precipitation in the form of heavy showers.
See CF

cold front

  • noun

Synonyms for cold front

noun the front of an advancing mass of colder air


  • polar front

Related Words

  • front
  • squall line




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