

单词 eou



(character, humour)The mnemonic of a mythical ASCII controlcharacter (End Of User) that would make an ASR-33 Teletypeexplode on receipt. This construction parodies the numerousobscure delimiter and control characters left in ASCII fromthe days when it was associated more with wire-serviceteletypes than computers (e.g. FS, GS, RS, US, EM,SUB, ETX, and especially EOT). It is worth rememberingthat ASR-33s were big, noisy mechanical beasts with a lot ofclattering parts; the notion that one might explode wasnowhere near as ridiculous as it might seem to someone sittingin front of a tube or flatscreen today.


EOUEastern Oregon University
EOUEvidence of Use (patent infringement)
EOUEtrian Odyssey Untold (gaming)
EOUExport Oriented Unit
EOUExtensible Authentication Protocol over Udp
EOUEase of Use
EOUEnd of User (mythical ASCII char)
EOUEssential Oil University (formerly Applied Essential Oil Research)
EOUEnemy Objective Unit (American Embassy Economic Warfare Division)
EOUEvil Overlords United (Internet comic)
EOUEvaluation and Oversight Unit (United Nations)
EOUEconomics of One Unit
EOUElectro-Optical Unit
EOUExcess, Obsolete, Unserviceable (US DoD)




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