acupuncture anesthesia

ac·u·punc·ture an·es·the·si·a

percutaneous insertion of, and stimulation by, needles placed in critical areas of the body to produce loss of sensation in another area.

ac·u·punc·ture an·es·the·si·a

(ak'yū-pŭngk'shŭr an'es-thē'zē-ă) Percutaneous insertion of, and stimulation by, needles placed in critical areas of the body to produce loss of sensation in another area.

ac·u·punc·ture an·es·the·si·a

(ak'yū-pŭngk'shŭr an'es-thē'zē-ă) Percutaneous insertion of, and stimulation by, needles placed in critical areas of the body to produce loss of sensation in another area.