

单词 dem



D5117450 (dĕm)n. Slang 1. A politician belonging to the Democratic Party.2. One who votes for candidates of or supports the Democratic Party.


1. Democrat. 2. Democratic.


them's the breaks

There is nothing we can do about the way things have unfolded, especially bad ones, so there is no reason to be upset about it; that's just the way things are. I'm pretty gutted about not getting into the grad school program I wanted, but hey, them's the breaks.See also: break


1. verb To show someone how something functions or how to operate it. My boss wants me to demo the software to her. Can you demo this exercise machine for me so I don't hurt myself?2. noun An explanation of how something functions or how to operate it. My boss wants a demo of the software—can you help her? Can you give me a demo on this exercise machine so I don't hurt myself?3. noun A car or machine used primarily to show someone how something functions or how to operate it. This car is just like the demo Phil showed me at the dealership.


A shortening of "Democrat," referring to a member of the Democratic Party. Of course they're arguing—he's a dem and she's a Republican.


(ˈdɛmo)1. and dem (dɛm) n. a member of the Democratic Party. A couple of dems are running for the caucus, but no other party is represented. 2. n. a demonstration (of something). Hey, Chuck, give this man a demo. 3. n. an automobile or other machine or device that has been used by a dealer for demonstration purposes. I can give you a demo for half price. 4. tv. to demonstrate something (to someone). Let me demo this for you so you can see how it works. 5. tv. to demonstrate (something) to someone. I’ve got to go demo these people on this software.


verbSee demo
EncyclopediaSeedigital elevation model



The ISO 4217 currency code for Deutschemark.


ISO 4217 code for the deutschemark. It was introduced in 1948, replacing the Reichsmark. It became one of the most important currencies in the world. For example, it was one of the currencies included in the basket that determined the value of Special Drawing Rights. After 1990, the deutschemark became the currency of the unified Germany. It was replaced by the euro in 1999 and ceased circulation in 2002.


DEMDepartment of Environmental Management
DEMDivision of Emergency Management
DEMDemonstration (File Name Extension)
DEMDiscrete Element Method (numerical simulation technique for particle dynamics problems)
DEMDepartment of Emergency Management (Texas)
DEMDeutsche Mark (former currency code; also seen as DM; replaced by EUR)
DEMDirect Email Marketing
DEMDeming (Amtrak station code; Deming, NM)
DEMDeus Ex Machina (Latin: God from the Machine)
DEMDiploma in Export Management (India)
DEMDigital Elevation Map
DEMDétresse des Enfants du Monde (French: Distress of Children of the World)
DEMDocument Exchange Model
DEMDigital Environmental Model
DEMDigital Elevation Model
DEMData Emulator
DEMDemurrage (shipping)
DEMDifferential Emission Measure
DEMDivision of Enrollment Management
DEMDemostrativo (Spanish: Demonstration)
DEMDirect-Entry Midwife
DEMDiplôme d'Etudes Musicales (French: Diploma of Musical Studies)
DEMDon't Eat Me
DEMData Entry Manager
DEMDigital Engine Management
DEMDust Extinction Moisture
DEMDose Efficace Moyenne (French: Average Effective Dose)
DEMDynamic Enterprise Modeling
DEMData Encapsulation Mechanism (cryptography; see also Key Encapsulation Mechanism)
DEMDiabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism
DEMData Exchange Module (software engineering)
DEMDigital Elevation Matrix
DEMDécapages Emballages Métalliques (French: Stripping Metal Packaging)
DEMDétection Électro-Magnétique (French: Electro-Magnetic Detection)
DEMDembidollo, Ethiopia - Dembidollo (Airport Code)
DEMDigital Evaluation Model (mapping)
DEMDoor Eendracht Macht (Dutch)
DEMDynamic Estuary Model
DEMDepartment of Engineering Management
DEMDefect Estimation Model
DEMDiscrete Electromagnetism
DEMData Element Tool-Based Analysis
DEMDiagnostic Event Manager
DEMDigital Event Marker
DEMDistinguishable Electron Method
DEMDeployment Extension Model
DEMDensity Evolution Model
DEMData Expert Meeting
DEMDocument Evaluation Methodology
DEMDomain Executable Model




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