direct Coombs test

di·rect Coombs test

(kūmz), Avoid the incorrect forms Coomb and Coomb's.a test for detecting sensitized erythrocytes in erythroblastosis fetalis and in cases of acquired immune hemolytic anemia: the patient's erythrocytes are washed with saline to remove serum and unattached antibody protein, then incubated with Coombs anti-human globulin (usually serum from a rabbit or goat previously immunized with human globulin); after incubation, the system is centrifuged and examined for agglutination, which indicates the presence of so-called incomplete or univalent antibodies on the surface of the erythrocytes.

direct Coombs test

See Antiglobulin test.

di·rect Coombs test

(dĭr-ekt kūmz test) Assessment to detect sensitized erythrocytes in erythroblastosis fetalis and in cases of acquired immune hemolytic anemia.


Robin R.A., English veterinarian and immunologist, 1921–. Coombs serum - serum from a rabbit or other animal previously immunized with purified human globulin to prepare antibodies directed against IgG and complement. Synonym(s): antihuman globulinCoombs test - a test for antibodies, the so-called antihuman globulin test, using either the direct or indirect Coombs tests. Synonym(s): antiglobulin testdirect Coombs test - a test for detecting sensitized erythrocytes in erythroblastosis fetalis and in cases of acquired immune hemolytic anemia.Gell and Coombs reaction - see under Gellindirect Coombs test - a test routinely performed in cross-matching blood or in the investigation of transfusion reaction.