Coleman, Cathy

Coleman, Cathy

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Cathy Coleman is the president of Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences. She was born August 29, 1952, in Chillicothe, Missouri, at 8:29 p.m. She holds a doctoral degree in East-West psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (1991), and wrote a phenomenological dissertation on peoples’ psychological experiences of the planets Saturn and Uranus. She holds a master’s degree in family studies from Washington State University (1981), and has research interests in astrology, human development, and family studies. Coleman has been a student of astrology and psychology for 26 years, first studying with Jeanne Long in Houston, Texas, and has been a practitioner (consultant and teacher) for 18 years. She was in the first graduating class of the Online College of Astrology, is an ISAR certified astrological professional, and has Level II NCGR certification. She is also a Jim Lewis-certified Astro*Carto*Graphy practitioner.

Coleman worked in numerous capacities as an administrator at the California Institute of Integral Studies, an alternative institution of higher education in San Francisco, from 1982 through 2001. She served in the Peace Corps in Ecuador in 1978–79 where she learned about Astro*Carto*Graphy from a fellow volunteer. She has worked on several international conferences with the International Transpersonal Association, and pioneered the concept and development of youth conferences as part of major conferences.