

 [ko″le-bah-sil´us] Escherichia coli.

Esch·e·rich·i·a co·'li

a species that occurs normally in the intestines of humans and other vertebrates, is widely distributed in nature, and is a frequent cause of infections of the urogenital tract and of neonatal meningitis and diarrhea in infants; enteropathogenic strains (serovars) of Escherichia coli cause diarrhea due to enterotoxin, the production of which seems to be associated with a transferable episome; the type species of the genus. Synonym(s): colibacillus, colon bacillus


Theodor, German physician, 1857-1911. Escherichia coli - a species that occurs normally in the intestines of humans and is a frequent cause of infections of the urogenital tract and of diarrhea in infants. Synonym(s): colibacillus; colon bacillusEscherich sign - in hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany) tapping the skin at the angle of the mouth causes protrusion of the lips.