Cabot rings

Cabot rings

(kab′ŏt) [Richard C. Cabot, U.S. physician, 1868–1939] Blue-staining threadlike inclusions of unknown origin, found in the red blood cells in severe anemia. They may appear as rings, figures-of-eight, or twists. They seem to be parts of the nucleus, with histones and iron but no DNA.


Richard Clarke, U.S. physician, 1868-1939. Cabot-Locke murmur - an early diastolic murmur, like that of aortic insufficiency, heard best at the left lower sternal border in severe anemia.Cabot ring bodies - ring-shaped or figure-of-eight structures found in red blood cells in severe anemias. Synonym(s): Cabot ringsCabot rings - Synonym(s): Cabot ring bodies