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cooperativity (kəʊˌɒpərəˈtɪvɪtɪ) n (Biochemistry) biochem chem an interaction between structural units within a molecule or between molecules in an assemblage that enables the system to respond more sharply to an external change than would isolated unitscooperativity
co·op·er·a·tiv·i·ty (kō-op'er-ă-tiv'i-tē), A property of certain proteins (often enzymes) in which the binding curves or saturation curves or, in the case of enzymes, a plot of initial rates as a function of initial substrate concentration, are nonhyperbolic; suggests that the binding of a ligand has a different affinity at different ligand concentrations. Both allosterism and hysteresis display cooperativity. Compare: allosterism, hysteresis. |