Eyes, Bright

Eyes, Bright

  1. (Stood there … his) black eyes burning like anthracite —Stephen Vincent Benét
  2. Burning eyes like flaming wells —Anzia Yezierska
  3. Eyes as bright as sunlight on a stream —Christina Rossetti
  4. Eyes blazed like molten nuggets —Robert Silverberg
  5. Eyes like burning torches —Arabian Nights
  6. Eyes like flashlights —Elizabeth Spencer
  7. Eyes as glowing as the summer and as tender as the skies —James Whitcomb Riley
  8. Eyes … blazed with a sudden burst of terror, like an explosion of the heart —Robert Campbell
  9. Eyes blazing like bonfires —Miles Gibson
  10. Eyes bright as dance floors —Scott Spencer
  11. Eyes bright as squirrels’ —John Galsworthy
  12. Eyes bright as the lights in a valuable stone —Norman Mailer
  13. Eyes fired up for a moment like pieces of coal. The laughter in them [eyes] was like two melting ice cubes gleaming in a dish —Alice Walker
  14. Eyes gleam like those of a popular salesman about to hear an old, familiar joke —Hilary Masters
  15. Eyes glittered like a wildcat’s —Honoré de Balzac
  16. Eyes glittered like razors —Jonathan Valin
  17. Eyes … glittering and unsteady, like a dog’s when it is looking out of a car window —Frank Tuohy
  18. (His dark) eyes glowed like brandy —Rita Mae Brown
  19. Eyes glowed … like fire in a cave —Nathaniel Hawthorne
  20. Eyes glowed like two tiny electric bulbs —William Faulkner
  21. Eyes … like black marbles lying in dust, dark and gleaming and sharp, with light —Paul Horgan
  22. Eyes like chips of broken glass that catch the light —Joyce Carol Oates
  23. Eyes, like cinders, all aglow —Lewis Carroll
  24. Eyes like glow-worms —William Shakespeare
  25. Eyes [animal] shining like wind-whipped embers on a pitch-black night —Jesse Stuart
  26. Eyes shone brighter than the stars —Dante Alighieri
  27. Eyes sparkled as if he’d just heard a joke or told one —Jonathan Valin
  28. Eyes sparkled like rusty wet bolts —Abraham Rothberg
  29. Eyes that could snap and crackle points of fire like those which sparkle from a whirling sword —Jack London
  30. Eyes, they glow like tiger’s eyes —James Baldwin
  31. Eyes which possessed a warm, life-giving quality like the sunlight —Willa Cather
  32. Ferocious eyes, much too shiny, like something boiling in a pot —Cynthia Ozick
  33. Glittering eyes like rats hurrying this way and that —Louis Bromfield
  34. Her eyes gave the impression of being lighted from within … as if she had been endowed with her own small sun —Paule Marshall
  35. His eyes shone with certainty, like glints of shellac —Paul Theroux
  36. The light of her eye, like a star glancing out from the blue of the sky —John Greenleaf Whittier
  37. Lights shone in his eyes like travelers’ fires seen far out on the river —Eudora Welty
  38. Sparks burning in them [black eyes] like fire at the end of a tunnel —Paige Mitchell