colistimethate sodium

co·lis·ti·meth·ate so·di·um

(kō-lis'ti-meth'āte sō'dē-ŭm), Contains the pentasodium salt of the penta(methanesulfonic acid) derivative of colistin A as the major component, with a small proportion of the pentasodium salt of the same derivative of colistin B; an effective antibiotic against most gram-negative bacilli (except Proteus), given intramuscularly.
See also: polymyxin.
Synonym(s): cholistine sulphomethate sodium

co·lis·ti·meth·ate so·di·um

(kō-lis'ti-meth'āte sō'dē-ŭm) Effective antibiotic against most gram-negative bacilli (except Proteus), given intramuscularly.