Demangeon, Albert

Demangeon, Albert

(dāmäNzhōN`), 1872–1940, French geographer, specializing in the study of regional and economic geography. His best-known works include Le Déclin de L'Europe (1920), L'Empire britannique (1923), and Les Iles britanniques (1927).

Demangeon, Albert


Born June 13, 1872, in Gaillon, Eure Department; died July 25, 1940, in Paris. French geographer; an exponent of the French school of “human geography.” Professor at the University of Paris (beginning in 1911) and the University of Lille (from 1905 to 1911).

Demangeon was one of the editors of the Geographic Chronicle and the head of the geography section at the A. Collin publishing house in Paris. His main works deal with general questions of the geography, rural settlement patterns, and economic geography of France, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.


La Plaine Picarde. Paris, 1905.
Le Déclin de l’Europe. Paris, 1920.
L’Empire Britannique. Paris, 1923.
Les lies Britanniques. Paris, 1927 (Géographie universelle, published under the direction of P. Vidal de la Blache and L. Gallois, vol. 1.)
Belgique, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg. Paris, 1927. (Géographic universelle, vol. 2.)
La France économique et humaine, vols 1–2. Paris, 1946–48. (Géographie universelle, vol. 6.)
Le Rhin: Problémes d’histoire et d’économie. Paris, 1935.