Egyptian Way
Egyptian Way
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)There is wide diversity in the many traditions of Wicca. Some have a basis in Celtic Britain, some have a Saxon background, and others owe their allegiance to the
Irish pantheon or to Greek or Roman tradition. Some are simply eclectic, stemming from many different backgrounds.
Isis, although primarily an Egyptian goddess, was found universally throughout history. It is no surprise, therefore, that many Wiccans are drawn to her as a deity despite the fact that she is not generally associated with Western European forms of Witchcraft. The Greeks referred to Isis as Aset or Eset and associated her with Demeter, Hera, Selene, and even Aphrodite. The cult of Isis invaded Italy by way of Sicily, and, although the Roman Senate tried to stop its progress, it spread to the center and north of Italy.
Many Wiccans feel an affinity for the ancient Egyptians and have therefore adopted the Egyptian deities—usually with Isis as goddess—into their rites. In Ireland, Olivia Robertson founded the Fellowship of Isis. Although not a Wiccan organization, many Wiccans do belong to it and consider Isis an aspect of the universal mother goddess.