Demetrius II

Demetrius II

(Demetrius Nicator) (dĭmē`trēəs nīkā`tər), d. c.125 B.C., king of ancient Syria, son of Demetrius I. He was aided against the usurper, Alexander Balas, by Ptolemy VI (Ptolemy Philometer). He married Ptolemy's daughter, Cleopatra Thea, even though she was already married to Alexander Balas. Demetrius ascended the throne in 146 B.C., but in fighting against the Parthians in 141 he was captured. Before his capture Demetrius reaffirmed Judaean independence, freeing the Jews from Syrian taxation. Tryphon, who served under Alexander Balas as governor of Antioch, had revolted and had put Alexander Balas' infant son, Antiochus Dionysius, on the throne. Two years later Tryphon murdered the boy and took the throne himself. Demetrius, coming back from prison, regained the throne in 128 B.C. He soon lost it again and died in battle at Tyre, fighting a war with Egypt.

Demetrius II,

d. 229 B.C., king of Macedon (239–229 B.C.), son of Antigonus IIAntigonus II
(Antigonus Gonatas) , c.320–239 B.C., king of Macedon, son of Demetrius I. He took the title king on his father's death (283) but made good his claim only by defeating the Gauls in Thrace and by taking Macedon in 276.
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. His reign was a confusion of wars and invasions, mostly concerned with possession of Epirus. The Aetolian LeagueAetolian League,
confederation centering in the cities of Aetolia. It was formed in the 4th cent. B.C. and began to gain power in the 3d cent. in opposing the Achaean League and the Macedonians.
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 and the Achaean LeagueAchaean League
, confederation of cities on the Gulf of Corinth. The First Achaean League, about which little is known, was formed presumably before the 5th cent. B.C. and lasted through the 4th cent. B.C. Its purpose was mutual protection against pirates.
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 united against him and defeated him. His heir was his son Philip VPhilip V,
238–179 B.C., king of Macedon (221–179), son of Demetrius II, successor of Antigonus III. He won fame in a war in Greece (220–217), in which he sided with the Achaean League against the Spartans and the Aetolian League.
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