Coos County

Coos County, Oregon

250 N Baxter St
Coquille, OR 97423
Phone: (541) 396-3121
Fax: (541) 396-4861

On the southwestern coast of OR, southwest of Eugene; organized Dec 22, 1853 (prior to statehood) from Umpqua and Jackson counties. Name Origin: For the Coos Bay Indian tribe, the name being interpreted as either 'take' or 'place of pines.'

Area (sq mi):: 1806.38 (land 1600.48; water 205.90) Population per square mile: 40.40
Population 2005: 64,711 State rank: 16 Population change: 2000-20005 3.10%; 1990-2000 4.20% Population 2000: 62,779 (White 90.20%; Black or African American 0.30%; Hispanic or Latino 3.40%; Asian 0.90%; Other 6.90%). Foreign born: 2.70%. Median age: 43.10
Income 2000: per capita $17,547; median household $31,542; Population below poverty level: 15.00% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $21,959-$24,380
Unemployment (2004): 9.10% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.90% Median travel time to work: 19.90 minutes Working outside county of residence: 4.90%
Cities with population over 10,000:
  • Coos Bay (15,565)

  • See other counties in Oregon.

    Coos County, New Hampshire

    55 School St Suite 301
    Lancaster, NH 03584
    Phone: (603) 788-4900

    In northern NH; organized Dec 24, 1803 from Grafton County. Name Origin: From the Pennacook Indian word cohos 'pine tree' or 'place where pines grow.'

    Area (sq mi):: 1831.44 (land 1800.39; water 31.06) Population per square mile: 18.70
    Population 2005: 33,655 State rank: 10 Population change: 2000-20005 1.60%; 1990-2000 -4.90% Population 2000: 33,111 (White 97.70%; Black or African American 0.10%; Hispanic or Latino 0.60%; Asian 0.40%; Other 1.50%). Foreign born: 4.00%. Median age: 41.50
    Income 2000: per capita $17,218; median household $33,593; Population below poverty level: 10.00% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $25,244-$27,077
    Unemployment (2004): 4.50% Unemployment change (from 2000): -1.00% Median travel time to work: 19.30 minutes Working outside county of residence: 17.30%
    Cities with population over 10,000:
  • Berlin (10,484)

  • See other counties in New Hampshire.