释义 |
cade 1 C0012900 (kād)adj. Left by its mother and reared by hand: a cade calf. [Middle English, pet, pet lamb, of unknown origin.]
cade 2 C0012900 (kād)n. A bushy juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus) chiefly of the Mediterranean region that is used in horticulture and whose wood yields juniper tar. Also called prickly juniper. [French, from Provençal, from Old Provençal, from Late Latin catanus, perhaps from a non-Celtic language of pre-Roman Gaul.]cade (keɪd) n (Plants) a juniper tree, Juniperus oxycedrus of the Mediterranean region, the wood of which yields an oily brown liquid (oil of cade) used to treat skin ailments[C16: via Old French from Old Provençal, from Medieval Latin catanus]
cade (keɪd) adj(of a young animal) left by its mother and reared by humans, usually as a pet[C15: of unknown origin]
Cade (keɪd) n (Biography) Jack. died 1450, English leader of the Kentish rebellion against the misgovernment of Henry VI (1450)cade1 (keɪd) n. a juniper, Juniperus oxycedrus, of the Mediterranean area, whose wood on destructive distillation yields an oily liquid used in treating skin diseases. [1565–75] cade2 (keɪd) adj. New Eng., Brit. (of the young of animals) abandoned by the mother and raised by humans. [1425–75] -cade a combining form with the meaning “procession, parade”: motorcade. [extracted from cavalcade] Cade a cask or barrel containing a quantity of 720 herrings, later 500 herrings; a quantity of 1000 sprats.Examples: cade of herrings, 1440; of sprats, 1704.Cade
Cade Jack. died 1450, English leader of the Kentish rebellion against the misgovernment of Henry VI (1450) CADE
Acronym | Definition |
CADE➣Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Portugese: Administrative Council for Economic Defense, Brazil) | CADE➣Conference on Automated Deduction | CADE➣Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education (formerly Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education) | CADE➣Customer Account Data Engine | CADE➣Client Server Application Development Environment | CADE➣Center for the Advancement of Distance Education | CADE➣Canadian Association for Distance Education | CADE➣Administrative Council for Economic Defense | CADE➣Coordination pour l'Afrique de Demain (French: Coordinating Committee for the Africa of Tomorrow) | CADE➣Corporate Average Data Efficiency (Uptime Institute measure for data center efficiency) | CADE➣Cost Assessment Data Enterprise (Office of the Secretary of Defense Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation initiative) | CADE➣Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship | CADE➣Computer-Assisted Data Entry | CADE➣Computer Aided Document Engineering | CADE➣Computer Aided Design and Engineering | CADE➣Controller/Attitude-Direct Electronics (NASA) | CADE➣Computer-Aided Data Entry | CADE➣Computer Aided Design Equipment | CADE➣Combined Allied Defense Experiment | CADE➣Commercial Ada Development Environment |