Acronym | Definition |
COPC➣Community Outreach Partnership Center |
COPC➣Community-Oriented Primary Care |
COPC➣Chemical of Potential Concern |
COPC➣Cost of Providing Care (health care) |
COPC➣Contaminant of Potential Concern |
COPC➣Central Ohio Poison Center (Ohio State University) |
COPC➣Code of Professional Conduct |
COPC➣Customer Operation Performance Center |
COPC➣Constituent of Potential Concern (US EPA) |
COPC➣ConocoPhillips China, Inc. (Beijing, China) |
COPC➣Command Privilege Code |
COPC➣Central Order Processing Center |
COPC➣Code of Practice Committee (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority; UK) |
COPC➣Commonwealth Orthotics & Prosthetics (Danville, VA) |