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all-terrain vehicle
all-ter·rain vehicle A0218500 (ôl′tə-rān′)n. Abbr. ATV A small, open motor vehicle having one or two seats and three or more wheels fitted with large tires, designed for use over rugged terrain.all′-terrain′ ve`hicle n. a vehicle with treads, wheels, or both, for traversing uneven terrain as well as roads. Abbr.: ATV [1965–70] Translationsall (oːl) adjective, pronoun1. the whole (of). He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money. 所有的 所有的2. every one (of a group) when taken together. They were all present; All men are equal. 大家 大家 adverb1. entirely. all alone; dressed all in white. 完全 完全,十分 2. (with the) much; even. Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower. 更加 更加ˌall-ˈclear noun (usually with the) a signal or formal statement that a time of danger etc is over. They sounded the all-clear after the air-raid. 解除警報 解除警报ˈall-out adjective using the greatest effort possible. an all-out attempt. 竭盡全力的 竭尽全力的ˈall-round adjective1. including or applying to every part, person, thing etc. an all-round pay rise. 全面的 全面的2. good at all parts of a subject etc. an all-round sportsman. 全能的 全能的ˌall-ˈrounder noun a person who is good at many kinds of work, sport etc. 全能者 全能的人all-terrain vehicle (ˌoːl təˈrein ˈviːəkl) noun (also ATV) a small vehicle, looking like a small tractor, that can travel fast on rough ground. 全地形車輛,全能越野車 全地型车辆all along the whole time (that something was happening). I knew the answer all along. 始終 始终all at once1. all at the same time. Don't eat those cakes all at once! 同時 同时2. suddenly. All at once the light went out. 突然 突然all in with everything included. Is that the price all in? 全部包括的 包括一切的all in all considering everything. We haven't done badly, all in all. 總歸而言 总的说来all over1. over the whole of (a person, thing etc). My car is dirty all over. 整個 整个2. finished. The excitement's all over now. 全部結束 全部结束3. everywhere. We've been looking all over for you! 到處 到处all right1. unhurt; not ill or in difficulties etc. You look ill. Are you all right? 沒事,沒問題 好,平安无恙,不要紧 2. an expression of agreement to do something. `Will you come?' `Oh, all right.' (表示同意)好的 可以in all in total, when everything is added up. I spent three hours in all waiting for buses last week. 總計 总计 Write all right (not alright). FinancialSeeALLThesaurusSeeall |