
double fault

n. Two successive service faults in tennis, resulting in the loss of a point.
dou′ble-fault′ v.


Past participle: double-faulted
Gerund: double-faulting
I double-fault
you double-fault
he/she/it double-faults
we double-fault
you double-fault
they double-fault
I double-faulted
you double-faulted
he/she/it double-faulted
we double-faulted
you double-faulted
they double-faulted
Present Continuous
I am double-faulting
you are double-faulting
he/she/it is double-faulting
we are double-faulting
you are double-faulting
they are double-faulting
Present Perfect
I have double-faulted
you have double-faulted
he/she/it has double-faulted
we have double-faulted
you have double-faulted
they have double-faulted
Past Continuous
I was double-faulting
you were double-faulting
he/she/it was double-faulting
we were double-faulting
you were double-faulting
they were double-faulting
Past Perfect
I had double-faulted
you had double-faulted
he/she/it had double-faulted
we had double-faulted
you had double-faulted
they had double-faulted
I will double-fault
you will double-fault
he/she/it will double-fault
we will double-fault
you will double-fault
they will double-fault
Future Perfect
I will have double-faulted
you will have double-faulted
he/she/it will have double-faulted
we will have double-faulted
you will have double-faulted
they will have double-faulted
Future Continuous
I will be double-faulting
you will be double-faulting
he/she/it will be double-faulting
we will be double-faulting
you will be double-faulting
they will be double-faulting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been double-faulting
you have been double-faulting
he/she/it has been double-faulting
we have been double-faulting
you have been double-faulting
they have been double-faulting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been double-faulting
you will have been double-faulting
he/she/it will have been double-faulting
we will have been double-faulting
you will have been double-faulting
they will have been double-faulting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been double-faulting
you had been double-faulting
he/she/it had been double-faulting
we had been double-faulting
you had been double-faulting
they had been double-faulting
I would double-fault
you would double-fault
he/she/it would double-fault
we would double-fault
you would double-fault
they would double-fault
Past Conditional
I would have double-faulted
you would have double-faulted
he/she/it would have double-faulted
we would have double-faulted
you would have double-faulted
they would have double-faulted