Acronym | Definition |
CAE➣Certified Association Executive (American Society of Association Executives) |
CAE➣Certificate in Advanced English |
CAE➣Computer-Aided Engineering |
CAE➣Contrat d'Accompagnement dans l'Emploi (French: Employment Assistance Contract) |
CAE➣Compressed Air Engine |
CAE➣Chief Audit Executive |
CAE➣Committee on Atomic Energy (various locations) |
CAE➣Critical Art Ensemble |
CAE➣Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis |
CAE➣Center for Academic Enhancement (Torresdale, PA) |
CAE➣Chinese Academy of Engineering |
CAE➣Comissão de Assuntos Econômicos (Portuguese: Economic Affairs Committee; Brazil) |
CAE➣Conseil d'Analyse Économique (French: Economic Analysis Council) |
CAE➣Export Certificate of Airworthiness (Brazil) |
CAE➣Centre for Applied Ethics (University of British Columbia, Canada) |
CAE➣Civic Arts Education (Walnut Creek, CA) |
CAE➣Computer Aided Engineering |
CAE➣Common Applications Environment |
CAE➣Client Application Enabler |
CAE➣Content Based Arithmetic Encoding |
CAE➣Citrix Access Essentials |
CAE➣Customer Account Executive |
CAE➣Council for Aid to Education |
CAE➣Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis |
CAE➣Computer Aided Education |
CAE➣Childhood Absence Epilepsy |
CAE➣Center of Academic Excellence |
CAE➣Country Assistance Evaluation |
CAE➣Component Acquisition Executive |
CAE➣Client Automation Enterprise (Hewlett Packard) |
CAE➣Client Application Enabler (IBM) |
CAE➣Contrat d'Accès à l'Emploi (French: Employment Access Contract) |
CAE➣Coopérative d'Activités et d'Emploi (French: Business and Employment Cooperative) |
CAE➣Common Application Environment (X/Open) |
CAE➣Capillary Array Electrophoresis |
CAE➣Computer-Assisted Engineering |
CAE➣Certified Audio Engineer (various companies) |
CAE➣Canadian Aviation Electronics |
CAE➣Commissariat À l'Energie Atomique (French: Atomic Energy Commission) |
CAE➣Child Abduction Emergency (EAS Code, AMBER Alert) |
CAE➣Cambridge Advanced Examination |
CAE➣Client Access Express (software) |
CAE➣Chloroacetate Esterase (pathology) |
CAE➣China Architectural Engineering |
CAE➣Certified Asthma Educator |
CAE➣Clean Air Engineering |
CAE➣Cal Animage Epsilon (University of California, Irvine) |
CAE➣Center of the American Experiment |
CAE➣Conseil des Architectes d'Europe (French: Architects Council of Europe) |
CAE➣Center for Agriculture in the Environment |
CAE➣College of Aeronautical Engineering (Pakistan Air Force Academy; Risalpur, Pakistan) |
CAE➣Computer-Assisted Education |
CAE➣Corporate Applications Engineer |
CAE➣California Association of Employers |
CAE➣College Application Essay |
CAE➣Columbia, SC, USA - Columbia SC Airport Metropolitan (Airport Code) |
CAE➣Centre of Adult Education |
CAE➣Computer-Aided Exercise |
CAE➣Centre d'Analyses Environnementales (French: Center for Environmental Analysis) |
CAE➣Canadian Aviation Expo |
CAE➣Communauté d'Agglomération d'Evreux (French: Agglomeration Community of Evreux; Evreux, France) |
CAE➣Club Asso Emploi (French: Employment Association Club; est. 2010) |
CAE➣Collectif Anti-Expulsions (French: Anti-Eviction Collective; est. 1998) |
CAE➣Conseil des Affaires Étrangères (French: Foreign Affairs Council) |
CAE➣Customer Access Equipment |
CAE➣Computer-Assisted Exposure |
CAE➣Cooler, Air Evaporative |
CAE➣Confocal Annular Elliptic |
CAE➣Cable Acceptance Engineer (Sprint) |
CAE➣Computer-Aided Exchange (Sprint) |
CAE➣Continuous Air Effluent Monitor |
CAE➣Corrective Action Effectiveness |
CAE➣Command Acquisition Executives |
CAE➣Conjecture, Analysis, Evaluate |
CAE➣Continental Aircraft & Engineering |
CAE➣Commander Allied Forces Europe |
CAE➣Corps Airspace Element |
CAE➣Congreso de Aiesec En España (Spanish) |
CAE➣Consorcio Asesor Empresarial (Spanish) |
CAE➣Chicago, Aurora, and Elgin Railroad Corporation |
CAE➣Conversion of Mainframe AE Data |