Ancylostoma duodenale


 [an″sĭ-los´to-mah] a genus of parasitic hookworms.Ancylostoma america´num Necator americanus.Ancylostoma brazilien´se a species parasitic in dogs and cats in tropical and subtropical regions; its larvae may cause a eruption" >creeping eruption in humans.Ancylostoma cani´num the common hookworm of dogs and cats.Ancylostoma duodena´le a common hookworm parasitic in the human small intestine.

An·cy·los·to·ma du·o·de·na·'le

the Old World hookworm of humans, a species widespread in temperate areas, in contrast to the more tropic distribution of the New World hookworm, Necator americanus, which is the only hookworm found in the U.S.

Ancylostoma duodenale

The only hookworm native to the US, which enters the body as a 3rd-stage larva through breaks in the skin (e.g., bare feet in contact with contaminated soil); once in the circulation, larvae migrate to the pulmonary alveoli, where they are coughed up and swallowed, then enter the duodenum and attach themselves to the intestinal villi.
Clinical findings
Intense pruritus, erythema and a vesicular rash at the site of larval penetration; anaemia; malnutrition.
Mebendazole; iron for anaemia.

An·cy·los·to·ma du·o·de·na·le

(an'si-lo-stō'mă dū-ō-dē'na'lē) The Old World hookworm of humans, a species widespread in temperate areas, in contrast to the New World hookworm, Necator americanus, which has a more tropical distribution. It is the only hookworm found in the United States.

Ancylostoma duodenale

The common nematode hookworm, causing infestation in Europe, Mediterranean areas and Asia. It is the cause of ANCYLOSTOMIASIS.