Caesalpinus, Andreas

Caesalpinus, Andreas

(ăn`drēəs sĕsălpī`nəs), Latinized from

Andrea Cesalpino

(ändrĕ`ä chāzälpē`nō), 1519–1603, Italian botanist and physiologist. He was physician to Pope Clement VIII. He described, in part and as a theory only, the circulation of blood. His chief botanical work, De plantis (1583), contains the first classification of plants according to their fruits, based on a comparative study of his large collection. LinnaeusLinnaeus, Carolus
, 1707–78, Swedish botanist and taxonomist, considered the founder of the binomial system of nomenclature and the originator of modern scientific classification of plants and animals. He studied botany and medicine and taught both at Uppsala.
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 considered him the first true systematist. He was at the Univ. of Pisa and founded its botanical garden.