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dyskeratoma dyskeratoma [dis″ker-ah-to´mah] a tumor from the keratinocytes, characterized by abnormal, imperfect, or premature keratin development. See illustration. Warty dyskeratoma. From Dorland's, 2000.warty dyskeratoma a solitary brownish red nodule with a soft, yellowish, central keratotic plug, most commonly occurring on the face, neck, scalp, or axilla, or in the mouth; histologically it resembles an individual lesion of keratosis follicularis.dys·ker·a·to·ma (dis'ker-ă-tō'mă), A skin tumor exhibiting dyskeratosis. [dys- + G. keras, horn, + -oma, tumor] dys·ker·a·to·ma (dis-ker'ă-tō'mă) A skin tumor exhibiting dyskeratosis. [dys- + G. keras, horn, + -oma, tumor] |