ape hand


 [hand] the terminal part of the upper limb of a human or a nonhuman primate.ape hand one with the thumb permanently extended.cleft hand a malformation in which the division between the fingers extends into the metacarpus; also, a hand with the middle digits absent.claw hand see clawhand.drop hand wristdrop.lobster-claw hand cleft hand.obstetrician's hand the contraction of the hand in tetany; the hand is flexed at the wrist, the fingers are flexed at the metacarpophalangeal joints but extended at the interphalangeal joints, and the thumb is strongly flexed into the palm.writing hand in Parkinson's disease, assumption of the position by which a pen is commonly held.

sim·i·an hand

alteration in the appearance of the hand resulting from a severe median nerve lesion, in which the thenar eminence is flattened due to muscle atrophy and the thumb is adducted and extended; the flattened hand resembles that of a monkey's paw. Synonym(s): ape hand, monkey hand, monkey-paw

ape hand

A deformity of the hand in which the thumb is permanently extended, usually caused by a median nerve injury. Paralysis and atrophy of the thenar muscles result. See also: hand