Caffey disease

in·fan·tile cor·ti·cal hy·per·os·to·sis

[MIM*114000] neonatal subperiosteal bone formation over many bones, especially the mandible, clavicles, and the shafts of long bones; it follows fever, usually appearing before 6 months of age and disappearing during childhood; familial cases are inherited as autosomal dominant. Synonym(s): Caffey disease, Caffey syndrome, Caffey-Silverman syndrome

Caffey disease

An autosomal dominant condition MIM 114000 characterised by fever, inflammation, swelling of affected bones (tibia, mandible, ulna and facial bones) and restlessness.
Molecular pathology
Caffey disease is linked to a mutation of COL1A1.

Caffey disease

Infantile cortical hyperostosis Pediatrics An AD condition characterized by fever, inflammation,. swelling of affected bones–tibia, mandible, ulna and facial bones, restlessness


John Patrick, U.S. physician, radiologist, and pediatrician, the father of pediatric radiology, 1895-1978. Caffey-Silverman syndrome - Synonym(s): Caffey syndromeCaffey disease - Synonym(s): Caffey syndromeCaffey syndrome - neonatal subperiosteal bone formation over many bones, especially the mandible and clavicles and the shafts of long bones. Synonym(s): Caffey disease; Caffey-Silverman syndrome; infantile cortical hyperostosis