Caffey's disease


 [hi″per-os-to´sis] excessive growth of bony tissue. adj., adj hyperostot´ic.frontal internal hyperostosis (hyperostosis fronta´lis inter´na) a new formation of bone tissue protruding in patches on the internal surface of the cranial bones in the frontal region, most commonly affecting women near menopause.generalized cortical hyperostosis a hereditary disorder beginning during puberty, marked by osteosclerosis of the skull, mandible, clavicles, ribs, and diaphyses of long bones, associated with elevated blood alkaline phosphatase.infantile cortical hyperostosis a syndrome seen in infants under six months of age, marked by fever, arthralgias, and swelling and cortical thickening of facial, trunk, and long bones. Called also Caffey's disease.

Caffey disease

An autosomal dominant condition MIM 114000 characterised by fever, inflammation, swelling of affected bones (tibia, mandible, ulna and facial bones) and restlessness.
Molecular pathology
Caffey disease is linked to a mutation of COL1A1.

Caffey, John

(kaf'e) U.S. pediatric radiologist, 1895–1966. He was a pioneer in pediatric radiology.

Caffey's disease

Infantile cortical hyperostosis.