Acronym | Definition |
CAG➣Conagra Foods (stock symbol) |
CAG➣Community Advisory Group (EPA) |
CAG➣Comptroller and Auditor General |
CAG➣Canadian Association of Gastroenterology |
CAG➣Cheap Ass Gamer (website) |
CAG➣Carp Anglers Group |
CAG➣Carrier Air Group |
CAG➣Chronic Atrophic Gastritis (stomach) |
CAG➣California Association for the Gifted |
CAG➣Core Architecture Group |
CAG➣Chassis Air Guide |
CAG➣Clip Art Gallery |
CAG➣Combined Access Group |
CAG➣Citrix Access Gateway |
CAG➣Canadian Association on Gerontology |
CAG➣Coronary Angiography |
CAG➣Canadian Association of Geographers (Canada) |
CAG➣Companion Animal Group (Idexx Laboratories, Inc.; Westbrook, ME) |
CAG➣Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy - Elmas (Airport Code) |
CAG➣Central African Gold (mining company; various locations) |
CAG➣Chronic Atrophic Gastritis (medical condition) |
CAG➣Chassis Air Guide (computer cooling) |
CAG➣Civil Affairs Group |
CAG➣Commercial Airplane Group (Boeing) |
CAG➣Commander Air Group |
CAG➣Carcinogen Assessment Group |
CAG➣Coverage and Analysis Group |
CAG➣Corporate Affairs Group (various companies) |
CAG➣China Art Gallery (China) |
CAG➣Community Action Grant (various locations) |
CAG➣Core Antigen |
CAG➣Cash Against Goods |
CAG➣Contrôle Automatique de Gain (French: Automatic Gain Control) |
CAG➣Coronary Arteriography |
CAG➣Combat Action Group |
CAG➣Customer Assistance Group |
CAG➣Combat Applications Group (Ft Bragg, NC; aka Delta Force) |
CAG➣Combined Action Group |
CAG➣Computer Applications in Geography (Ireland) |
CAG➣Comicbook Artists' Guild |
CAG➣Closed Angle Glaucoma |
CAG➣Carte Archéologique de la Gaule (French: Archaeological Map of Gaul; publication) |
CAG➣Customer Advisory Group (US Foreign Military Sales) |
CAG➣Curriculum Advisory Group (various schools) |
CAG➣Central Asian Gateway (est. 2003; UN Development Program) |
CAG➣Column Address Generator |
CAG➣Corridor Advocacy Group |
CAG➣Content Advisory Group |
CAG➣Colegio Americano de Guatemala (Spanish; Guatemalan school) |
CAG➣Commissioner's Advisory Group |
CAG➣Conseil Affaires Générales (French: General Affairs Council) |
CAG➣Congo African Gray (bird species) |
CAG➣Carcinogenic Assessment Group |
CAG➣Customer Advocacy Group |
CAG➣Commander's Action Group |
CAG➣Campaign Action Group |
CAG➣Deschutes County Citizen's Action Group (Oregon; est. 2007) |
CAG➣Cancer Assessment Group (EPA) |
CAG➣Computer Aided Graphics |
CAG➣Cash Assistance to Government (United Nations) |
CAG➣Ceramic Artist Guild (est. 2009) |
CAG➣Commercial Advocacy Group |
CAG➣Continental Aktiengesellschaft (Hannover, Germany) |
CAG➣Heavy Cruiser, Guided Missile |
CAG➣Collective Address Group |
CAG➣Combat Arms Group |
CAG➣Casualty Adjusters Guide |
CAG➣Combat Arms Germany (gaming community) |
CAG➣Competition Advocate General |
CAG➣Combined Access Group (Sprint) |
CAG➣Commercial Agriculture Program |
CAG➣Corrective Action Guidelines |
CAG➣Cost Advisory Group |
CAG➣Call Accounting Gateway (Telcordia) |
CAG➣COEA Advisory Group (US Air Force) |
CAG➣Chief Accountants Group (UK) |
CAG➣Corps Artillery Group |
CAG➣Canadian Art Group (registered trademark of Canadian Art Group; Toronto, Canada) |
CAG➣COMSAT Augmented GPS |
CAG➣Chuckle and Grin (internet chat) |
CAG➣Community Affairs Group |
CAG➣Common Authorization Gateway |
CAG➣Clothing Advisory Group |
CAG➣COMPES Advisory Group |
CAG➣Communication et Arts Graphiques (French: Communication and Graphic Arts) |
CAG➣Continuous Ambulatory Gamma Globulin (infusion) |
CAG➣Community Access Gateway |
CAG➣Contingency Advisory Group |
CAG➣Customer Access Gateway |
CAG➣Club d'Athlétisme Guilérien (French athletic club) |
CAG➣Club Athlétique Grauliérois (French athletic club) |
CAG➣Comptoir d'Assurances Générales (French insurance company) |
CAG➣Club Athlétique Goncelinois (French: Goncelin Athletic Club; Goncelin, France) |