

单词 charger


charg·er 1

C0249100 (chär′jər)n.1. One that charges, such as an instrument that charges or replenishes storage batteries.2. A horse trained for battle; a cavalry horse.

charg·er 2

C0249100 (chär′jər)n. A large shallow dish; a platter.
[Middle English chargeour, from Old French chargeor, from chargier, to load; see charge.]


(ˈtʃɑːdʒə) n1. a person or thing that charges2. (Military) a large strong horse formerly ridden into battle3. (Electronics) a device for charging or recharging an accumulator or rechargeable battery


(ˈtʃɑːdʒə) n (Antiques) antiques a large dish for serving at table or for display[C14 chargeour something to bear a load, from chargen to charge]


(ˈtʃɑr dʒər)

n. 1. a person or thing that charges. 2. a horse suitable to be ridden in battle. 3. an apparatus for charging storage batteries. [1475–85]


(ˈtʃɑr dʒər)

n. a large, flat dish or platter. [1275–1325; Middle English chargeour. See charge, -or2]
Noun1.charger - formerly a strong swift horse ridden into battlecourserwarhorse - horse used in war
2.charger - a device for charging or recharging batteriescharger - a device for charging or recharging batteriesbattery chargerdevice - an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water"


(tʃaːdʒ) verb1. to ask as the price (for something). They charge 50 cents for a pint of milk, but they don't charge for delivery. 收費 收费2. to make a note of (a sum of money) as being owed. Charge the bill to my account. 把...記入(帳冊) 把...记入(帐册) 3. (with with) to accuse (of something illegal). He was charged with theft. 指控 指控4. to attack by moving quickly (towards). We charged (towards) the enemy on horseback. 向...衝去 向...冲去5. to rush. The children charged down the hill.6. to make or become filled with electricity. Please charge my car battery. 充電 充电7. to make (a person) responsible for (a task etc). He was charged with seeing that everything went well. 指示(某人)負責(某工作) 指示(某人)负责(某工作) noun1. a price or fee. What is the charge for a telephone call? 費用 费用2. something with which a person is accused. He faces three charges of murder. 指控 指控3. an attack made by moving quickly. the charge of the Light Brigade. 衝鋒 冲锋4. the electricity in something. a positive or negative charge. 電荷 电荷5. someone one takes care of. These children are my charges. 被託付的人 被托管的人6. a quantity of gunpowder. Put the charge in place and light the fuse. (一定量的)火藥 (一定量的)炸药 ˈcharger noun formerly, a horse used in battle. 戰馬 战马in charge of responsible for. I'm in charge of thirty men. 負責 主管,负责 in someone's charge in the care of someone. You can leave the children in his charge. 讓某人照顧 在某人掌管之下take charge1. (with of) to begin to control, organize etc. The department was in chaos until he took charge (of it). 開始負責 开始负责2. (with of) to take into one's care. The policeman took charge of the gun. 接管 掌管





1 a device for charging or recharging an accumulator or rechargeable battery


2 Antiques a large dish for serving at table or for display



(1) An electrical-engineering device for charging storage and capacitor batteries (mainly the former type). It consists of a charging generator or a transformer with a current rectifier, and a power switchboard that contains voltage regulators and automatic circuit breakers. The power of the charger depends on the capacity of the batteries being charged and the rated duration of the charge.

Storage-battery chargers are used for periodic charging, compensating and interrupted recharging, and equalizing charging of storage batteries, which, as a rule, are first grouped according to their capacity and the strength of the charging current. For periodic charging the storage batteries are divided into two groups. The charger charges one of the two groups at a time. For compensating recharging the charger feeds the load circuit and simultaneously recharges the storage batteries. For interrupted recharging it feeds the load part of the time and recharges the storage battery; the rest of the time it serves as a standby under a low load. The load circuit is fed by the storage battery. Capacitor chargers are used to charge capacitors in the normal mode—that is, continuously up to the rated voltage.

Low-power single-phase rectifier chargers have a steeply falling external characteristic suitable for the charging conditions of storage batteries. The voltage is regulated by means of a tapped secondary transformer winding.


(2) In blasting operations, a charger is a mechanism or machine for filling a charge hole with explosives. Chargers are divided into two groups: units for charging stick powder that does not contain nitroethers or cyclonite and units for charging granulated explosives. The units in the first group have not become widespread because of their low efficiency, the inadequate charging density, and the high cost of suitable explosives. Chargers for granulated explosives are designed to charge descending blastholes in pits by gravity flow of bulk or fluid explosives (portable mixing and charging equipment that produces a mixture of the explosive components, such as igdanit or granular granulit, during the charging process and transporting and charging machines for factory-made explosives) and to charge blastholes and wells in any direction by pneumatic equipment. Pneumatic equipment is preferred for mines and is subdivided according to its principle of operation into ejector types, in which the explosive is sucked up from an open container by a vacuum in an ejector head and carried along by a stream of compressed air into a charging pipe, and pressure types, which force the explosive from a sealed container by compressed air. The pressure chargers transport the explosive along pipes or hoses for 200–300 m (including 80 m vertically) and force it into the hole with the required velocity. Chargers for fluid explosives containing water are divided into two groups: mobile machines, for moistening dry factory-made mixtures of the akvatol type, and mobile thermally insulated machines, for transporting granular components and a hot solution of ammonium nitrate (filler) and mixing them directly during the charging operation. The fluid explosive is forced into the hole by compressed air or a pump.


Mekhanizcitsiia z.ariazhaniia VV. 2nd ed. Moscow, 1969.



[′chär·jər] (electricity) battery charger


A device that plugs into an AC outlet and delivers DC voltage to a rechargeable battery. See power adapter.


Related to Charger: dodge, trickle charger, Phone charger

CHARGER, Scotch law. He in whose favor a decree suspended is pronounced; vet a decree may be suspended before a charge is given on it. Ersk. Pr. L. Scot. 4, 3, 7.



Related to charger: dodge, trickle charger, Phone charger
  • noun

Synonyms for charger

noun formerly a strong swift horse ridden into battle


  • courser

Related Words

  • warhorse

noun a device for charging or recharging batteries


  • battery charger

Related Words

  • device




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