ethnicity code

ethnicity code

A patient-optional code that may be placed on various documents in the UK, which is meant to prevent discrimination based on a person’s ethnic origin.
Ethnicity codes and values: Scotland
A - White
1A - Scottish
1E - English
1F - Welsh
1G - Northern Irish
1H - British
1J - Irish
1K - Gypsy/ Traveller
1L - Polish
1Z - Any other white ethnic group
B - Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
2A - Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups
C - Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
3F - Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British
3G - Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British
3H - Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British
3J - Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British
3Z - Other
D - African, Caribbean or Black
4D - African, African Scottish or African British
4E - Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British
4F - Black, Black Scottish or Black British
4Z - Other
E - Other ethnic group
5B - Arab
5Z - Other
F - Refused/Not provided by patient
98 - Refused/Not provided by patient
G - Not Known
99 - Not Known