dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica


 [dis″sin-er´jah] muscular incoordination.dyssynergia cerebella´ris myoclo´nica dyssynergia cerebellaris progressiva associated with myoclonus epilepsy.dyssynergia cerebella´ris progressi´va a condition marked by generalized intention tremors associated with disturbance of muscle tone and of muscular coordination; due to disorder of cerebellar function.detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia contraction of the urethral sphincter muscle at the same time the detrusor muscle of the bladder is contracting, resulting in obstruction of normal urinary outflow; it may accompany detrusor hyperreflexia or instability.

dys·syn·er·gi·a cer·e·bel·lar·is my·o·clo·ni·ca

a familial disorder beginning in late childhood, characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, action myoclonus and preserved intellect. Probably due to multiple causes, of which mitochondrial abnormalities are one. Synonym(s): dentatorubral cerebellar atrophy with polymyoclonus

dys·syn·er·gia cer·e·bel·lar·is my·o·clo·ni·ca

(dis'sin-ĕr'jē-ă ser'ĕ-bel-ā'ris mī-ō'klō'ni-kă) A familial disorder beginning in late childhood, characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, action myoclonus, and preserved intellect. Probably due to multiple causes, among them, mitochondrial abnormalities.