double set-up examination

A two-team approach for a high-risk procedure—e.g., a planned vaginal delivery of a placenta previa—in which the 1st team is prepared for a normal—i.e., uneventful—vaginal delivery, while the 2nd team—which includes a gynaecologist, anesthaesiologist, several nurses, etc.—is on alert, ready to perform an immediate cesarean section if necessary

double set-up examination

Obstetrics A 2-team approach for a high-risk–eg, placenta previa, vaginal delivery, where the 1st team is prepared for a normal–ie, uneventful, vaginal delivery, while the 2nd team–which includes a gynecologist, anesthesiologist, sundry nurses, etc is on alert, ready to perform an immediate cesarean section, should the vaginal delivery 'go sour'. See Cesarean section.