Charles Dorléans

Charles D’orléans


Born Nov. 24, 1394, in Paris; died Jan. 5, 1465, in Amboise. French poet. Participant in the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453).

D’Orléans spent 25 years as an English prisoner. His ballades, rondeaux, and chansons, written in the traditional form of medieval lyrics, contain reflections on the transient nature of life and convey the poet’s yearning for his homeland. Gentle lyricism adorns the poems devoted to his wife and those celebrating spring and the natural beauty of his native country. In his castle of Blois, Charles d’Orléans collected a large library; many poets, including F. Villon, took part in the poetic competitions here.


Poesies, [vols.] 1–. Paris, 1923–27.
In Russian translation:
[Selections.] In S. Pinus, Frantsuzskie poety, vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 1914.


Istoriia frantsuzskoi literatury, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1946. Page 179.
Champion, P. La Vie de Charles d’Orléans. Paris, 1911.
Charpier, J. Charles d’Orléans. Paris, 1958. (With bibliography.)
Choffel, J. Le Due Charles d’Orléans (1394–1465). Paris [1968].