College Tutor

College Tutor

The specialist representative of a Royal College in the workplace—e.g., the NHS Trusts of trainee and consultant doctors. College Tutors play a vital role in oversight and assuring the quality of postgraduate education and specialty training of junior doctors and their trainers.
Responsibilities of College Tutors
• Implementing their College’s curricula for trainees in the workplace.
• Educational supervision, appraisal and feedback.
• Career guidance.
• Overseeing competency-based assessment.
• Arranging College and Deanery inspection and accreditation visits.
College Tutors v Clinical Tutors
College Tutors
The local representative of a medical Royal College who has oversight of training within a particular specialty.
Clinical Tutor
The local representative of the Postgraduate Dean; broadly responsible for training in all specialties within an NHS Trust. Clinical Tutors are increasingly designated as Directors of Medical Education, reflecting a broadening role to cover career-grade doctors as well as trainees.