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cop·ro·phil·i·a C0631500 (kŏp′rə-fĭl′ē-ə)n. The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving feces. cop′ro·phil′i·ac′ (-ē-ăk′) n.coprophilia (ˌkɒprəʊˈfɪlɪə) n (Psychiatry) an abnormal interest in faeces and their evacuationcop•ro•phil•i•a (ˌkɒp rəˈfɪl i ə) n. Psychiatry. an obsessive interest in feces. [1930–35] cop`ro•phil′i•ac`, n. cop`ro•phil′ic, adj. co•proph•i•lism (kəˈprɒf əˌlɪz əm) n. coprophilia1. the use of obscene or scatological language for sexual gratification. 2. a love of obscenity. 3. Psychiatry. an abnormal interest in feces, especially as a source of sexual excitement.See also: Sex a love of obscenity.See also: ObscenityTranslationscoprophiliaenUK
coprophilia [kop″ro-fil´e-ah] an absorbing interest in feces or filth, particularly a paraphilia in which sexual arousal or activity is linked to feces.cop·ro·phil·i·a (kop'rō-fil'ē-ă), 1. Attraction of microorganisms to fecal matter. 2. In psychiatry, a morbid attraction to, and interest in (with a sexual element), fecal matter. Synonym(s): mysophilia [copro- + G. philos, fond] coprophilia (kŏp′rə-fĭl′ē-ə)n. The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts involving feces. cop′ro·phil′i·ac′ (-ē-ăk′) n.Sexuoeroticism linked to manipulating faecal material. The condition is classified in the DSM-IV as a paraphilia—sexual deviancy—not otherwise specified, defined as a period of 6 months in which (1) there are recurrent, intensely sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviours involving the use of faeces in various ways, and (2) in which the fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviours cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioningcop·ro·phil·i·a (kop'rō-fil'ē-ă) 1. Attraction of microorganisms to fecal matter. 2. psychiatry A morbid attraction to, and interest in (with a sexual element), fecal matter. [copro- + G. philos, fond]coprophilia Abnormal attraction to faeces. |