exclusive of

exclusive of

prep. Not including or considering: bought the house, exclusive of the outbuildings.


(ikˈskluːsiv) adjective1. tending to exclude. 除外的 除外的2. (of a group etc) not easily or readily mixing with others or allowing others in. a very exclusive club. 排外的 排外的3. given to only one individual or group etc. The story is exclusive to this newspaper. 獨家的,專用的 独有的4. fashionable and expensive. exclusive shops/restaurants. 高級的 高级的exˈclusively adverb 排外地,獨家地,專用地 排外地exˈclusiveness noun 除外,排他,獨家,專用 专有权exclusive of excluding. That is the price of the meal exclusive of service charge. 不包括 不计及