exclusive provider organization

ex·clu·sive pro·vid·er or·gan·i·za·tion (EPO),

(eks-klū'siv prō-vīd'ĕr ōr'gan-i-zā'shŭn), A managed care plan in which enrollees must receive their care from affiliated providers; treatment provided outside the approved network must be paid for by the patients.
See also: managed care.

exclusive provider organization

Managed care A managed care organization similar to a PPO–preferred provider organization in purpose and organization, which allows a Pt to go outside the network for care, but must pay the full cost of the services received; it is similar to an HMO in that primary care physicians act as gatekeepers to a network of other providers, an authorization system, etc. See Gatekeeper, HMO, Managed care organization, PPO.

ex·clu·sive pro·vid·er or·gan·i·za·tion

(EPO) (eks-klū'siv prŏ-vī'dĕr ōr'găn-ī-zā'shŭn) A managed care plan in the U.S. in which enrollees must receive their care from affiliated providers; treatment provided outside the approved network must be paid for by the patients.
See also: managed care

ex·clu·sive pro·vid·er or·gan·i·za·tion

(EPO) (eks-klū'siv prŏ-vī'dĕr ōr'găn-ī-zā'shŭn) A managed care plan in the U.S. in which enrollees must receive their care from affiliated providers; treatment provided outside the approved network must be paid for by the patients.
See also: managed care