Collier, Jeremy

Collier, Jeremy,

1650–1726, English clergyman. Collier was imprisoned as one of the nonjurorsnonjurors
[Lat.,=not swearing], those English and Scottish clergymen who refused to break their oath of allegiance to James II and take the oath to William III after the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
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, who refused to pledge allegiance to William III and Mary II. He later was outlawed (1696) for absolving on the scaffold two of those involved in the assassination plot against William. Collier's principal fame comes from his Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage (1698) and Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain (1708, 1714). In 1713 he was ordained a nonjuring bishop.


See A. Rose, The Jeremy Collier Stage Controversy (1966).