Dzhanshiev, Grigorii
Dzhanshiev, Grigorii Avetovich
Born May 17 (29), 1851, in Tbilisi; died July 17 (30), 1900, in Moscow. Russian publicist and bourgeois liberal historian. Born into an Armenian family.
In 1874, Dzhanshiev graduated from the law department of Moscow University and was sworn in as an attorney in Moscow. He began to work on the liberal paper Russkie vedomosti in 1878 and from 1883 to 1900 was one of its editor-publishers. His works include The Principles of Judicial Reform (1891) and From the Epoch of the Great Reforms— A Historical Inquiry (1892; there were many reprintings with addenda). In spite of their manifest idealization of Alexander IPs reforms, the works of Dzhanshiev did have a positive significance: they expressed the desire to maintain the bourgeois transformations of the 1860’s and 1870’s. During the 1890’s, Dzhanshiev actively supported the improvement of the status of Armenians in Turkey.