Collis-Nissen fundoplication

Collis-Nissen fundoplication

(kol'is nis'ĭn), operation for fundoplication in the presence of a shortened esophagus; the esophagus is lengthened by tubular stapling of the gastric cardia, and the fundoplication is then performed around this neo-esophagus. Synonym(s): Collis-Belsey fundoplication, Collis-Belsey procedure

Col·lis-Nis·sen fun·do·pli·ca·tion

(kol'is-nis'en fŭn'dō-pli-kā'shŭn) Operation for fundoplication in the presence of a shortened esophagus; the esophagus is lengthened by tubular stapling of the gastric cardia, and the fundoplication is then performed around this neoesophagus.
Synonym(s): Collis-Belsey fundoplication.