释义 |
colloidin [kŏ-loi´din] a jelly-like principle produced in colloid degeneration.col·loid (kol'oyd), 1. Aggregates of atoms or molecules in a finely divided state (submicroscopic), dispersed in a gaseous, liquid, or solid medium, and resisting sedimentation, diffusion, and filtration, thus differing from precipitates. See also: hydrocolloid. 2. Gluelike. 3. A translucent, yellowish, homogeneous material of the consistency of glue, less fluid than mucoid or mucinoid, found in the cells and tissues in a state of colloid degeneration. Synonym(s): colloidin4. The stored secretion within follicles of the thyroid gland. For individual colloids not listed below, see the specific name. [G. kolla, glue, + eidos, appearance] col·loid (kol'oyd) 1. Aggregates of atoms or molecules in a finely divided state (submicroscopic), dispersed in a gaseous, liquid, or solid medium, and resisting sedimentation, diffusion, and filtration, thus differing from precipitates. See also: hydrocolloid2. Gluelike. 3. A translucent, yellowish, homogeneous material of the consistency of glue, less fluid than mucoid or mucinoid, found in the cells and tissues in a state of colloid degeneration. Synonym(s): colloidin. 4. The stored secretion within follicles of the thyroid gland. [G. kolla, glue, + eidos, appearance] |